Thank you Speaker and Senate President for their hard work on protecting children

Supporters: 102

Posted on: 04 Mar 2024

Fellow Patriot,

Take action now. Send a message to the Speaker and Senate President thanking them for their hard work on protecting children.

This updated HB 3 language included all the same language dealing with protections to make sure minors do not access obscene materials online. This will also provide a pathway for parents to give children access to social media platforms for 14 and 15 year-olds and would ban damaging social media access to those under 14, which will enforce federal law.

We want to first start off by thanking you for signing all of our action alerts on this topic of HB 1 and HB 3.  

We want to also thank Speaker Renner for standing for what was right. We also want to thank Senate President Passidomo for working alongside the Speaker to get this great bill passed. We are looking forward to the Governor signing HB 3.  

Let’s make sure they hear our message. 

Send this petition to the Speaker and Senate President, thanking them for their hard work on protecting children.